My Still Life
A Still Life series reflecting moments of ‘My Still Life'
Symbolic representations of my time, events, feelings, and thoughts during the extraordinary time of a global pandemic to bring together the natural beauty of chiaroscuro light, reminiscent of the Dutch Masters, painterly colours and botanical visions in an allegorical sense to communicate my wonder and despondency.
Gin & Tonic
Happy Hour
That Covid Feeling
Gin & Tonic, a display of peony flowers positioned in a variety of drinks bottles, that were consumed during the first few months of the global pandemic, when I felt numb with confusion and uncertainty. This image is a nostalgic thought of the 'morning after the night before' with some wilted blooms seeking attention, craving the light and never wanting the night to end, whilst others skulk in the shadows - very reminiscent of missed fun times, and hope that normality would return.
Faith, was created in response to losing my mother. My visits to see her were extremely limited due to Covid restrictions and the family home where I grew up became still and empty yet full of precious and stark reminders of her. She always said a prayer before going to bed, always loved tulips and when I found these possessions on her bedside table if was a remarkable symbiosis of memories and bringing together a sign of Faith. Her vase holds the tulips and this image holds my memories.
Happy Hour, after all of the sadness and constrictions suffered during the global pandemic I wanted to create a joyous image of hope and escapism. Covid restrictions began to be lifted and we were allowed to meet up and mingle more with our family and friends. These wide open peony and roses depict space and freedom, they are nestling in intoxicating drinks bottles and soaking up the natural light expressing feelings of release, unlocking and emancipation.
And then it happened...that Covid Feeling. On Day 6 of my Covid-19 illness and at a turning point in my infection this image depicts exactly my stagnant, listless and dehydrated mood and pitiful feelings at that time. I was overwhelmed with fatigue & fever, swamped in tissues & medication, but drenched in relief as I came to terms with recovery.
Winter, short days and long nights - time for reflection on all that has occurred. Dormancy for the botanical world is nature’s way of staying alive and surviving the cold. This image depicts my continued 'still life' standing back, observing, perceiving events with hope and optimism for the future.
This series was Awarded Gold,AOP Emerging Talent 2021